Tom Taylor - Rather a peculiar looking being. Instantly laughable. Annoyingly clever jokes and some rather silly ones. "Immediately very funny, the best jumper in comedy and really really well written jokes" - Isy Suttie
Dan Antopolski - Dan Antopolski is an award-winning comedian and comic actor. Spectacular displays of verbal pyrotechnics
Darrell Martin - "Darrell is great - genuine, engaging, with great taste in music and a desire to do something 'proper' but relaxed enough to live online" - Kate Copstick
We have just confirmed a VERY big name act that is going to appearing with us on Saturday 4th December. We are not allowed to announce who it is. It is top secret.
What we can say is that he/she will be doing about 30 minutes with loads of it being new material. This person is a regular on UK TV, does national tours. You really are going to have to trust on this. We have done this before and people are not disappointed.
Come and join us, grab a drink or two at the bar, find one of the finest chairs in the room, then just get your laughing gear in order!
Our comedians will have you laughing your socks off over the space of 2 hours. We have some of the best circuit comedians around, these nights are in high demand up and down the country all year round.
Just the Tonic has been producing comedy shows in Nottingham for over
25 years. We have now found a new home in Metronome. Described by many comedians as one of the best comedy venues in the country. With Just the Tonic's notorious reputation for the best comedy line ups in the country... you can be sure you are getting one of the best nights in town...
3 comedians and a compere. All the best the UK has to offer from the comedy circuit.
'Consistently boasting the most interesting line ups in the country' (The TImes)
“Consistently boasting the most interesting line ups in the country”
The Times