Ben Harrington

Ben Harrington

 Ben is an established performer on the comedy circuit playing to audiences throughout England and Wales. Over the last few years, he has built an impressive resume as a comedian and entertainer. 

He has a  relatable demeanour which sometimes boils over into passionate frustrations about his challenges with the world creating energy and laughter. 

In 2023 he’s taking his third solo show to Edinburgh -  “44 and Flippin Furious”, a wry and self-deprecating take on the challenges of being relevant as a middle-aged dad and his place in the world. 

 "I genuinely enjoyed what you did last night. As you know I had  little doubt inside me but I thought you had great presence and confidence and carried your material really well"    Graeme Coulam Hungerford Comedy Club  

Ben’s been described by promotors and being “reliably funny with killer punchlines” Hazel Humphries

